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发布人: 发布日期:2022-05-25


学历:博士研究生               专业:化学工程与技术

出生年月:1990-03            政治面貌:中共党员

邮箱:lishushao@csuft.edu.cn       民族:汉族



本科  2008.09—2012.06  湖南城市学院     化学工程与工艺

硕士  2012.09—2015.06  湘潭大学        化学工程与技术  

博士   2015.09—2018.12  中南大学        化学工程与技术  

在职  2019.01-2022.12   中南林业科技大学  材料科学与工程学院  讲师

     2023.01-至今      中南林业科技大学  材料科学与工程学院   副教授









1.  Lishu Shao,* Huan’ai Wan, Lizhi Wang, Jiajia Wang , Zihui Liu, Zhiping Wu, Peng Zhan, Lin Zhang , Xiancheng Ma, Jianhan Huang*. N-doped highly microporous carbon derived from the self-assembled lignin/chitosan composites beads for selective CO2 capture and efficient p-nitrophenol adsorption[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 313: 123440.

2.  Zhiyuan Sheng, Lishu Shao,* Lin Zhang, Peng Zhan, and Zhiping Wu. Catalytic Oxidative Depolymerization of Sodium Lignosulfonate into Valuable Esters over CuxO/m‐Sep Catalyst in H2O Solvent Systems[J]. ChemistrySelect, 2022, 7(39): e202202575.

3.  盛志远, 邵礼书,* 詹鹏,张林.海泡石负载钴氧化物催化氧化解聚木质素磺酸钠[J]. 中国造纸, 2022,41(12):1-7.

4.  万欢爱, 邵礼书,* 刘娜,毛莉,张林,詹鹏,陈介南. 氮修饰木质素基超交联聚合物的制备及其放射性碘捕获[J]. 化工进展,2022, 41(10):5599-5611.

5.  Na Liu, Lishu Shao,* Chen Wang, Fubao Sun, Zhiping Wu, Peng Zhan, Lin Zhang, Huan'ai Wan. Preparation of lignin modified hyper-cross-linked nanoporous resins and their efficient adsorption for p-nitrophenol in aqueous solution and CO2 capture[J]. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 221: 25-37.

6.  Lishu Shao,* Huan’ai Wan, Lizhi Wang, You Wang, Na Liu, Zhiping Wu, Weihua Luo, Peng Zhan, Lin Zhang, Jianhan Huang. Construction of hierarchical porous carbon with mesopores-enriched from sodium lignosulfonate by dual template strategy and their diversified applications for CO2 capture, radioactive iodine adsorption, and RhB removal[J]. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2022, 10(6): 108851.

7.  Lishu Shao*, Na Liu, Lizhi Wang, Yafei Sang, Huan’ai Wan, Peng Zhan, Lin Zhang, Jianhan Huang, Jienan Chen*. Facile preparation of oxygen-rich porous polymer microspheres from lignin-derived phenols for selective CO2 adsorption and iodine vapor capture[J]. Chemosphere, 2022, 288: 132499.

8.  Lishu Shao*,Yafei Sang, Na, Liu, QuanWei, FengWang, Peng Zhan, Weihua Luo, Jianhan Huang, JienanChen*. One-step synthesis of N-containing hyper-cross-linked polymers by two crosslinking strategies and their CO2 adsorption and iodine vapor capture[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2021, 262: 118352.

9.  Na Liu, Jienan Chen,* Zhiping Wu, Peng Zhan, Lin Zhang, Quan Wei, Fen Wang, Lishu Shao*, Construction of Microporous Lignin-Based Hypercross-Linked Polymers with High Surface Areas for Enhanced Iodine Capture[J]. ACS Appl. Polym. Mater. 2021, 3, 21782188.

10.Lishu Shao*, Liu M, Sang Y, et al. Nitrogen-Doped Ultrahigh Microporous Carbons Derived from Two Nitrogen-Containing Post-Cross-Linked Polymers for Efficient CO2 Capture[J]. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2020, 65(4): 2238-2250.

11.Lishu Shao*, Sang Y, Liu N, et al. Selectable Microporous Carbons Derived from Poplar Wood by Three Preparation Routes for CO2 Capture[J]. ACS omega, 2020, 5(28): 17450-17462.

12.Lishu Shao, Yafei Sang, Jianhan Huang*, You-Nian Liu*. Imidazole-based hyper-cross-linked polymers derived porous carbons for CO2 capture. Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2019, 275, 131-138.

13.Lishu Shao*, Liu M, Sang Y, et al. One-pot synthesis of melamine-based porous polyamides for CO2 capture[J]. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2019, 285: 105-111.

14.Lishu Shao, Yafei Sang, Siqi Wang, Yangqi Gan, Jianhan Huang*, You-Nian Liu*. Triazine-based hyper-cross-linked polymers with inorganic-organic hybrid framework derived porous carbons for CO2 capture. Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 353, 1-14.

15.Lishu Shao, Mingqiang Liu, Jianhan Huang*, You-Nian Liu*. CO2 capture by nitrogen-doped porous carbons derived from nitrogen-containing hyper-cross-linked polymersJ. Colloid Interface Sci. 2018, 513: 304-313.

16.Lishu Shao, Yong Li, Jianhan Huang*, You-Nian Liu*. Synthesis of Triazine-Based Porous Organic Polymers Derived N-Enriched Porous Carbons for CO2 Capture. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2018, 57: 2856-2865.

17.Lishu Shao, Siqi Wang, Mingqiang Liu, Jianhan Huang*, You-Nian Liu*. Triazine-based hyper-cross-linked polymers derived porous carbons for CO2 capture. Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 339: 509-518.

18.Mingqiang Liu, Lishu Shao, Jianhan Huang*, You-Nian Liu*. O-containing hyper-cross-linked polymers and porous carbons for CO2 capture. Micropor. Mesopor. Mater. 2018, 264: 104-111.

19.Lishu Shao, Yong Li, Ting zhang, Mingqiang Liu, Jianhan Huang*. Controllable Synthesis of Polar Modified Hyper-Cross-Linked Resins and Their Adsorption of 2-Naphthol and 4-Hydroxybenzoic Acid from Aqueous Solution. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2017, 56: 2984-2992.

20.Lishu Shao, Jianhan Huang*. Controllable synthesis of N-vinylimidazole-modified hyper-cross-linked resins and their efficient adsorption of p-nitrophenol and o-nitrophenol. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2017, 507: 42-50.




3.邵礼书; 陈介南; 罗卫华; 詹鹏; 张林; 刘娜; 盛志远; 一种木质素基碳纳米管及其制备方法和应用, 2021-2-5, 中国, CN202110160372.0

4.陈介南; 刘娜; 邵礼书; 张林; 詹鹏; 木质素基超交联多孔树脂球及其制备方法和应用 , 2021-9-28, 中国, CN202111141505.6

5. 邵礼书; 刘子辉; 徐润峰; 陈介南; 罗卫华; 詹鹏; 张林; 彭婉婷; 田斌斌; 甘柏瑶; 一种毫米级氮掺杂多孔碳球及其制备和应用, 2021-12-15, 中国, CN202111530704.6

6.邵礼书, 杨磊,盛志远,张林,詹鹏,吴志平;一种木质素源选择性催化氧化解聚成酯的方法, 2022-11-08, 中国,CN202210968756.X

7.邵礼书,万欢爱,詹鹏,张林,吴志平. 一种纤维型黏土/木质素碳多孔复合材料及制备方法和吸附应用,2022-11-01,中国,CN202211033239.X

8.邵礼书,刘丹丹,吴志平,罗卫华,詹鹏,张林. 含氮富氧木质素基多孔碳及其制备和在二氧化碳吸附中的应用, 2023 - 01-18, 中国,CN202310074440.0


[1] 荣获中南大学国家研究生学业一等奖学金

[2] 荣获中南大学化学化工学院-驰恩奖励金

[3] 荣获2021年湖南省优秀博士学位论文奖(100篇)
